Policy Brief
Smallholder farmers and opportunities for improving agricultural performance in South Africa
Measuring efficiency and identifying drivers of efficiency in the district hospital system
Medico-legal claims and their impact on provincial health budgets and service delivery
Analysis of the funding performance of the National Health Insurance
Evaluating the efficiency of the South African judicial system
Local government productive efficiency
Improving public sector performance: An international perspective
How policy shifts shaped South Africa’s rail and electricity sectors
A critical analysis of productivity and reform in South Africa’s rail sector
Escalating Global Inflation: The Sources and Spill overs
The Effects of Inflation and Growth Shocks on Fiscal Sustainability in South Africa
The Basic Income Grant in South Africa - An Incidence Study
State-Owned Enterprises and the Threat to Fiscal Sustainability
Learner Teacher Support Materials
Assessing the Response to Climate Change in Local Government
Investigating the Local Government Fiscal Framework and Spatial Inequalities
Municipal Cost Recovery and the Affordability of Basic Services
The Impact of Municipal Spending on Local Unemployment and Development
Strategies for preventing corruption in the public sector and funding for anti-corruption agencies
Youth unemployment and intergovernmental fiscal relations in South Africa
Assessing debt sustainability in South Africa
Inequality and affluence in South Africa’s labour market
The effects of social grants on household behaviour and expenditure patterns
Investigating wage trends in South Africa – An assessment of the public sector wage bill
A review of the provincial equitable share formula – Responsiveness to the changing social structure
Repurposing and realigning the system of provincial conditional grants
Budgets, performance, efficiency and the constitutional right to basic education
District municipalities: Powers, functions and funding framework
Measuring the macroeconomic impacts of COVID-19 in South-Africa
The financial and fiscal impacts of COVID-19 in South Africa: Public revenues and fiscal impulse
Measuring the effectiveness of government expenditure for performance
Municipalities and COVID-19: Impact, recovery and opportunities
Testing the means test: Social assistance in the time of COVID-19
COVID-19 and access to water and sanitation
Supervision or oversight? How best to avoid a section 139 intervention?
Leadership, management and governance for sustainable service delivery
Covid-19 and the Fiscal Framework
Health Care Financing Reform and NHI Implementation in South Africa
Improving Service Delivery through the Intergovernmental System
Incorporating Learners with Special Educational Needs into the Education System
Pricing and Costing Health Care in South Africa: A Primer
Reducing Barriers to Inclusive Early Learning Education
Strengthening Interventions in Family and Community Welfare Services
Supplementary revenue sources for local government
Municipalities Can Boost Own Revenue by Optimising Property Rates
Better municipal debt management
Assessing support programme impact for local government, Back to Basics (B2B)
Professionalising local government?
A review of municipal dysfunctionality in South Africa
Local government infrastructure delivery management and its fiscal implications
Responding To South Africa's Urban Development Challenge
Towards Sustainable Urban Development Assessing The IUDF And CSP
Are City Policies And Regulations Responding To The Call For Compact Cities
Aligning Urban Housing Supply And The Unhoused Urban Population
Managing The Fiscal Implications Of Learner Mobility Through Better Planning And Budgeting
The Role Of Targeted Intergovernmental Transfers In Urban Poverty Reduction
The Effects Of Municipal Spending On Urban Employment
Funding And Policy Framework For Supporting Urba Informal Employment
National Land Reform Programme and Rural Development
Responding to South Africa's Rural Development Challenge
Reducing Rural Poverty through Targeted Intergovernmental Transfers
Enhancing the Role of Public Entities in Rural Development
How Provinces are Funded to Fulfil Rural Development Mandates
Can Public Employment Programmes Create the Jobs Needed in the Rural Areas
Who Finances Rural Local Municipalities
Responding to South Africa’s Infrastructure Challenge
The Impact of Municipal Capital Spending on Economic Growth
Direct or Indirect Grants? A Case Study of Selected Grants
Who is Accountable for Under-spending Indirect Infrastructure Grants?
Financing Early Childhood Development Infrastructure
Public Sector Productivity – The Case of Secondary Education
Aligning Public Transport Subsidies to Policy
Preparing Municipalities for the Assignment of Public Transport Functions
Understanding Housing Demand in South Africa
To Self-build or not to Self-build?
The Impact of Increased Electricity Prices on Municipalities
Funding of Municipal Capital Expenditure: Who Pays?
Poor Maintenance and Renewal Threatens Municipal Service Delivery
Improving the Performance of Municipalities through Incentive Based Grants
Detecting Fiscal Distress within Local Government
Effective Intergovernmental Planning and Budgeting for Better Outcomes
Conditions Needed for Effective Devolution of Transport Functions to Municipalities
Moderating Provincial Wage Bill Growth and Enhancing Productivity
Assessing and Improving the Fiscal Performance of Provinces in South Africa
The Financial and Fiscal Implications of Further Education and Training (FET) Function Shift