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Financial and Fiscal Commission
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2004 Conference
2015 Colloquium
The current relevance of 'municipal viability' - Prof. Nico Steytler
Health and well being of municipalities - Dr. Ncube
Financial and Fiscal Commission research chair in multi government - Dr. Myrick
Proposal to disestablish unviable municipalities - Mr. Sigidi
National Treasury’s views on “Municipal Viability” - Mr. Steven Keynon
KZN COGTA presentation
Conferences: Files
10th Anniversary Conference Programme
Presenters Profiles
Address to the FFC 10th Anniversary Conference - Mr. T. A. Manuel
Courts v Policymakers: Who sets the pace? The courts and IGFR in SA - Tania Ajam and Christina Murray
The Courts and the Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations System in South Africa - Tania Ajam and Christina Murray (Full Paper)
Democratic Politics and Constitutional Accountability: Implications for Developmental Governance in South Africa - Rod Alence
Decentralisation of Powers and Functions: The Impact of Uncertainty on the Local Sphere - Kam Chetty
Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: The Nigerian Experience - Akpan H. Ekpo
Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: The Nigerian Experience - Akpan H. Ekpo (Full Paper)
Sharing the Cake: A Review of the Provincial Equitable Share Formula - M. Govinda Rao and Bongani Khumalo
Sharing the Cake: A Review of the Provincial Equitable Share Formula -
M. Govinda Rao
and Bongani Khumalo (Full paper)
Provincial Growth and Development Through the Equitable Sharing of Infrastructure Finance – Jeff Petchey, Jaya Josie, Garry MacDonald and Rathipe Nthite
Provincial Growth and Development Through the Equitable Sharing of Infrastructure Finance – Jeff Petchey, Jaya Josie, Garry MacDonald and Rathipe Nthite (Full paper)
Equity & Local Government Equitable Share - Lieb J Loots
Equity & Local Government Equitable Share - Lieb J Loots (Full paper)
Poverty Alleviation under Fiscal Decentralization - M. Govinda Rao
Poverty Alleviation under Fiscal Decentralization - M. Govinda Rao (Full paper)
The Progressive Realisation of Constitutionally Mandated Basic Service and Poverty Eradication - Renosi Mokate
Development Bank of South Africa
Human Sciences Research Council
World Bank
Singh N
system of IGFR PPT (31 slides)
Banking Association of South Africa
Standard Bank
Torres J P Fiscal relations system among levels of government in Mexico (PPT) (110Kb)
Housing Development Agency
Manuel T Address FFC 10th Anniversary 2004081201 (7ppt)
eThekwini Municipality
Conferences: Files
Programme and Agenda
Address at the Financial and Fiscal Commission Conference
The Architecture of Multiorder Governance for the Information
Age - Anwar Shah
Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in South Africa and the
Role of the Financial and Fiscal Commission
A 20 Year Review - Jaap de Visser and Zemelak Ayele
The Financial and Fiscal Commission: Two Decades of Instituonal Evolution
Socio-economic rights and implications for intergovernmental fiscal relations in South Africa - Saras Jagwanth and Friedrich Soltau
The Institutional and Developmental Impact of Cash Grants: Is South Africa Transforming Social Policy? - Viviene Taylor
Rethinking the Fiscal Implications of Different Types of Norms and Standards - Amanda Jitsing, Dr. Megan Govender and Stephen Chisadza
Fiscal Decentralization and the Provision of Constitutionally
Mandated Basic Services (CMBS): A Review of the South African System -
Margaret Chitiga, Jaya Josie and Annette Verryn
Fiscal Decentralization for Sustainable and Inclusive Development
in Emerging African Economies: A Comparative Study of Ethiopia
and Kenya - Meheret Ayenew
Restructuring IGFR in an African Country in Transition – The Case of Sudan - Mekki M. El Shibly
Fiscal Decentralization Grant Schemes to Address Geo-Spatial Inequality and Poverty in Rural African Economies: the Ethiopian Perspective - Tassew Woldehanna
Public Spending in Agriculture and Poverty Reduction Linkages Analyses for Fiscal Planning. Case of Eastern Cape Province - S. Ndhleve, A. Obi and MDV Nakin
Multilevel Governance: A Review of Fiscal Decentralization Policies and Practices in the DRC: A Case Study - Prof. Claude Sumata
Vote of Thanks 20th Anniversary Conference
Conferences: Files
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